Johnice Hall

What happens to a dream deferred? Potential that is never realized…
My dream was to become a mother and being a parent taught me what love is. Agape: Greek for “selfless love,” in Mommy terms, my son. In everything, I lead with love. I surround myself with people I love. I am doing a job that I love. I am living a life I can love.
My life has been built on the belief that one can accomplish anything they set their mind to. Your dream has to become your reality. You have to breathe it, speak it, walk in it. One of my daily affirmations is: If I have love for myself and others, I have everything I need, because with love comes joy, peace, and abundance. 
When I took this job, I thought of my grandmother and the care I wanted her to receive. Within Tender Loving Family Care, I see, feel, and experience the love and compassion I wanted for her. It is palpable throughout the staff and caregivers. This is what “Agape” is all about; selflessness; this is my dream. Society teaches us to be individualistic but I believe we need each other for sustenance. I believe that the world is greater that how one perceives it. I know that I can help shape and form positive perceptions and connections, not only throughout the staff but with our clients as well. I am very proud to be a part of the Tender Loving Family Care family. 
